Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, galaxies, comets, asteroids and so much more. It’s a vast topic that’s easily accessible because all you really need to get started is your curiosity and your eyes. Look up into the sky and observe the motion of the Sun as it passes overhead throughout the day and then observe how the Moon changes each night.
As a beginner in astronomy, I was puzzled by the night sky. I saw the stars and knew of a few constellations but didn’t know much else. The sky I was observing was polluted with light making only the brightest objects visible to me – not that I knew what I was looking at.
As my interest grew, so did my curiosity. I learned about constellations and started to see patterns in the sky. I learned the terms ‘azimuth’ and ‘altitude’ and learned to locate some objects with the help of a sky atlas, but I was still unfulfilled.
Having seen amazing the amazing photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, I was inspired to try to see the objects it had observed but I had no idea where to begin.
Introduction To The Cosmos is a great resource for a beginner in astronomy. You’ll learn about the things you can observe in the sky including galaxies, nebulae, stars, and much more. You’ll also learn how stars power themselves, you’ll learn about the great minds in astronomy, you’ll find out about how the universe began and much more!
I designed Introduction To The Cosmos is with a beginner in astronomy in mind. I assume all you have is your computer, a connection to the internet, and are curious about the night sky.
I get you up to speed quickly, showing you how to use remote telescopes located great observing sites with dark and clear skies.
Get your free copy of the book – all I request is your email address (I’ll never share your email address or sell it): Introduction To The Cosmos
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