This is the moon as it appeared on April 15, 2024:

In this image, the moon is at exactly 50% illumination. The colors you see are the moon’s natural colors. I captured this image using my Hestia and Pixel 8 Pro phone to take a 4 K video and then post-processing 1,400 individual images.

Sample Dataset Available for Download

The dataset for the observation posted here is over 30 Gb; however, I have made available 60 FITS frames from the observation, representing about two seconds of exposure. I processed the FITS files and got to an image that’s reasonably close to the one in this post.

In order to process these FITS files, you’ll have to use AutoStakkert or something similar to align and stack all of the FITS images. Then, you’ll need to post-process the resulting image to produce one similar to the one in this post.

If you decide to download and process the sample dataset, I’d love to see your results! Processing lunar images can be challenging but also very rewarding. Experimenting with various sharpening, contrast, and noise reduction settings is all part of the fun. Don’t be afraid to try out different workflows to see what yields the best outcome.

The dataset is 457 Mb and contains 60 unprocessed FITS files in addition to processed images. Download the dataset from DropBox here:

Download 50% Illuminated Mineral Moon


Capturing high-quality images of the moon is a fascinating and rewarding endeavor that combines the art of photography with the science of astronomy. Sharing these images and the sample dataset encourages others to explore the wonders of astrophotography and contributes to the collective knowledge and appreciation of our celestial neighbor.