Office Hours with Erik

I am available for consultations about, image processing, or any other topic I discuss on any of my websites or books. I also do presentations to groups.

I can make myself available through something like Zoom or WebEx, for person-to-person meetings; however, we can accomplish much by email.

While I’m happy to get to know you and answer your questions, I ask that you consider joining my Patreon for ongoing, longer-term support.

My email address is and you can use that to ask your questions or check for my availability for a Zoom or WebEx meeting.

Although I generally provide my services for free, I request that you join my Patreon, a monthly subscription service, although it is not contingent on you receiving support from me.

Pictured above is the Statue of Liberty Nebula, or NGC 3576. This is a narrowband image captured using Telescope Live, another remote telescope service; the image is presented using the Hubble Palette.