Messier 8, the Lagoon Nebula, is the red nebula at the bottom of the image and Messier 20, the Trifid Nebula is the red and blue nebula in the upper half of the image:

Messier 8 is about 4,077 light years from us whereas Messier 20 is 5,200 light years from us. This image spans about 100 light years.

This image shows a lot of nebulosity in the surrounding region – something I was not aware of in images I had taken of this region using other telescopes.

I took this image using Telescope Live’s AUS-2, a Takahashi FSQ-106ED having an aperture of 10cm, located in Australia. Total integration time is 70 minutes.

The FITS files for this observation are available on the sample downloads page, so you can try to process the FITS files on your own. I got very good results using JS9, JS9-4L, and PixInsight.

This is the image produced by processing the data using JS9 or JS9-4L: