About Remote Astrophotography Using Slooh.com – A Handbook

Welcome to the companion website for the free book Remote Astrophotography Using Slooh.com-A Handbook, 3rd Edition!
I have aimed this book at someone that’s interested in astronomy at the beginner to intermediate level. You have an interest in the things you see in the sky at night but might not have a lot of background information and you want a place to start and have a good foundation to build upon.
If you’re at the intermediate level, you’ll also benefit from this book because I show you methods to improve your skills in composing your images, processing your images, and doing advanced things like photometry with your images.
I also intended this book to be for someone that’s interested in expanding their knowledge based on practical advice and someone that has a willingness to experiment.
This book is now completely Free! Just enter your email address for a link to download the book right away. Download the book free here!
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