This is the sun featuring sunspot AR2833:

This sunspot is actually sunspot AR2824 that has rotated around the far side of the sun, returned, and has been renamed.

This is the same sunspot as it appeared two days after the first observation – this time on June 16, 2021:

This image shows the active region with more detail because it has rotated further into view.

This is AR2833 as it appeared on June 17, 2021:

Here is the link to the YouTube video of the stream from taken on June 17.

This is AR2833 as it appeared on June 18, 2021, featuring several filaments nearby:

This is the same sunspot (AR2833) as it appeared on June 22, 2021:

The sunspot is on the right and there are filaments to the left of the sunspot.

I took these images using the Canary 5 Solar Telescope.