This is Jupiter as imaged using the Canary Four Solar System telescope in July 2018. This image is right from the telescope and I haven’t modified it in any way. Jupiter is the...
Type: Image
NGC 891
This is an image of NGC 891, or the Silver Sliver, as processed by The image was actually taken by member KeithS but I piggybacked his mission to be able to get...
Asteroid 6478 Gault
This unusual object is an asteroid called 6478 Gault. It’s unusual because it has a tail and an asteroid doesn’t usually have a tail. It’s thought this asteroid collided with something some time around...
NGC 5128
This is NGC 5128, or Centaurus A, as seen from the Chile telescope in April 2016. I created this image from four observations. This object is visible from the southern hemisphere and the...
NGC 2359
This is NGC 2359, also known as Thor’s Helmet. This image is from four observations using the Canary One telescope in December 2018. I created this image by aligning and stacking using MaxIM...
IC 1805 – Unprocessed and Processed
This is IC 1805, the Heart Nebula, as seen from the Canary Two Ultra Wide Field telescope on December 29, 2018. This was taken using just one reservation. There’s actually quite a bit...
Messier 97
This is M 97, the Owl Nebula, taken using the Canary One telescope. This image was created from four observations in 2016. I just scheduled regular missions – no multi-luminance missions. I stacked...
Moon – Last Quarter
This is the last quarter of the Moon as seen on December 31, 2018 from the Chile telescope. I processed this image using AstroImageJ. I simply adjusted the scale and cropped the image...
Messier 51 taken using the MicroObservatory
This is Messier 51 taken using the MicroObservatory and processed using AstroImageJ and GIMP. I have a tutorial on using the MicroObservatory here: Remote Imaging Using The MicroObservatory. This image is made up of...
Messier 51
This is Messier 51, or the Whirlpool Galaxy. I created this image from nine observations between 2016 and 2018. This image is created by stacking and aligning the images using MaxIM DL. I used...